Production Stills
IS GOD IS, 2022, School of Drama, The New School, Bakari Lebby (Director), Lex Liang (Scenic Designer), Haydee Zelideth (Costume Designer), Jimmy Lawlor (Lighting Designer), Almeda Beynon (Sound Designer), Earon Nealey (Hair and Makeup Designer), Judi Lewis Ockler (Fight/Intimacy Director), Erica Blumrosen (Projection Designer), Rodrigo Hernandez (Associate Scenic Designer), Giancarlo Abrahan (Student Assistant Director), P. Tyler Britt (Production Stage Manager), Tanika Baptiste (Assistant Stage Manager)
Photography by Nathaniel Johnston Photography
Worlds Melt, 2021, School of Drama, The New School, Preston Crowder (Playwright), Kari Lebby (Director), Portia Elmer (Scenic Designer), Grier Coleman (Costume Designer), Abby Hoke-Brady (Lighting Designer), Ien DeNio (Sound Designer), Lindsay Zinbarg (Production Stage Manager), Chiara Johnson (Assistant Stage Manager)
Photography by Nathaniel Johnston Photography
The Cherry Orchard, 2021, School of Drama, The New School, Aneesha Kudtarkar (Director), Daniel Allen (Scenic Designer), Herin Kaputkin (Costume Designer), Jennifer Fok (Lighting Designer), Frederick Kennedy (Co-Sound Designer), AJ Surasky-Ysasi (Co-Sound Designer) Melanie Spiel (Associate Lighting Designer), Emma Richmond (Student Assistant Director), Elizabeth Allen (Production Stage Manager), Chiara Johnson (Assistant Stage Manager)
Photography by Nathaniel Johnston Photography
Men on Boats by Jaclyn Backhaus
Dir. Melissa Coleman-Reed
New Village Arts
Photography by Daren Scott
Our Lady of Kibeho by Katori Hall
Dir. Jennifer Eve Thorn
Moxie Theatre
Photography by Daren Scott